Contact Us
Contact Us
Please read the FAQ before emailing:
1. I would love to help with the farm, can I volunteer?
We truly don’t believe in unpaid labor. So, until we make sure we’re in a position to be provide someone with a living wage and benefits, tending to the land will be on us.
You can help us in other ways like sharing content, becoming a patron of our farm stand, online store or classes.
2. How can I get fresh Black House Farm vegetables to my neighborhood?
Since we closed on our land right before winter 2020, we haven’t worked the land yet. To make sure there are no broken promises, we will be going slow and steady. This means, we most like won’t be able to offer fresh veggies until next year. However, if anything changes, we will make an announcement.
3. Does Black House Farm donate vegetables?
See above. We do not… yet. Once we are in a position to do so, we will work directly with community leaders and the community members in disenfranchised neighborhoods around Chicago/Chicagoland to learn how we can help. This will allow us to be prepared when we are able to donate our food or services and not make assumptions about what a community needs. We will make an announcement when we have a more clear timeline and plan of action.
4. Can I visit the farm?
We are currently building infrastructure and working to get the farm operational, so we are not open to the public at this time. We plan to have on-site programs and events at the farm in the future, including a farm stand. Be sure to check out our Instagram page, Black House Farm Club and sign-up for the mailing list to hangout virtually.
General Inquiries