Tiny House, Big Dreams
Alex Orr Alex Orr

Tiny House, Big Dreams

We’ve said before that we don’t plan to share ALL the details of our house because, at the end of the day, it is our private home and this page is really all about the farm. That being said, we had to show you what we’ve been up to. After all, it is the Black House Farm… we can’t just not talk about the house.

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2022: A Look Ahead
Alex Orr Alex Orr

2022: A Look Ahead

2022, much like 2021, is all about infrastructure, land clean-up, and inching ever closer to inhabiting the land. Some of last years goals are carrying over to this year, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have all new 2022 goals. Let’s take a look at what’s on the agenda for Black House Farm in 2022!

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2021: A Year in Review
Tia Butler Tia Butler

2021: A Year in Review

2021 was all about infrastructure, land clean-up, building community relationships and inhabiting the land. Overall, we did pretty well on our goals. We had to shift some of our 2022 goals into 2021 and vice versa because of scheduling, financing, shifting priorities, unexpected obstacles, and a permitting process that took way longer than expected. So, let’s go through our 2021 goals and how we’re shifting to complete more goals in 2022!

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Welcome to the BHF Movement Challenge!
Tia Butler Tia Butler

Welcome to the BHF Movement Challenge!

Hey! You being here means you’re one step closer to joining the BHF Movement Challenge. So let’s get down to business and get into goals.Let us know your goals below👇🏽👇🏻. What you’re going to do to make sure you get moving?

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