Welcome to the BHF Movement Challenge!
Why and How to Start?
Tia was knee deep in studying for her personal training certification and rattled off a “fun fact” about how very few adults get 30 minutes of moderate activity on 5 or more days per week. This lead me to immediately declare that we needed to start working out regularly again. I mean, we used to workout 6 days a week, but between selling our house, moving (and moving again)… let’s just say we got out of our routine. Of course, we went in hard right out of the gate because we know how to workout, right? Well, sometimes doing the most is not the best option, it can lead to injuries and set you up for failure. That’s where this challenge comes in. We don’t need you to go so hard that you lose your drive to continue or you’re so sore you can’t even move on day 2 if you wanted to. We just want you to move your body! No sitting (unless it’s on a rowing machine) for at least 30 minutes a day… I promise the time goes fast! Maybe it’s a walk, jumping rope, going for a run, lifting weights, yoga, etc. Whatever you choose, do what’s right for you and get moving!
The Rules:
Move your body for 30 minutes, everyday.
Show yourself grace if you miss a day, then show up the next day.
That’s it. 2 rules.
We’ll be on Instagram to check-in, give updates all in hopes of having a community that keeps each other accountable. That’s the goal, anyway.
Become “One of us, one of us” 😜
Hey! You being here means you’re one step closer to joining the BHF Movement Challenge. So let’s get down to business and get into goals.Let us know your goals below👇🏽👇🏻. What you’re going to do to make sure you get moving?